Monday, March 17, 2014

Failing at Origami and Changing Weather

After three hours of paper folding Friend R. and I admitted defeat. Our tulips just wouldn't inflate. Weirdly,only the first one I folded (pictured above) puffed out like a proper tulip. That's me in the orange hat praying for milder weather. It didn't work. I sat up all night listening to the wind and snow from off the Atlantic ocean slam into our bay window. With a view comes weather. And the views in Kristiansund,Norway are worth the weather.



  1. because origami is for another isle, japan... ha.
    well flowers and folding and praying and wishing,
    and listening to wind blow about,fills a day
    whilst shore and ocean play, whilst winter tugs with spring
    as seasons turn
    and all yearns for newness of growth...
    is kirk meaning church in native tongue?

  2. fact the island I live on is kirkelandet as kristiansund is made up of five main islands
