Sunday, March 16, 2014


I thought today I would post a couple of pictures I took last summer as today is still gray and making my photos grainy.

This is our most famous statue,Clipfishwoman,by Tore Bjørn Skjølsvik. Clipfish are fish,usually cod,that were dried on the smooth rocks. Kristiansund has a lot of smooth rocks and wind,so the fishermen brought the cod here and the women and children did the work of laying them out to dry on the rocks. This product was then shipped to many places but especially Portugal who use it to make a lovely dish called Bacalao. They make it here in Kristiansund and it is quite tasty.

This is Kirkelandet church built in 1964 and the architect was Odd Østbye. It must have been shockingly modern when it was first built. In fact I have heard it described as Norway's most daring and modern church.I'm quiet fond of it and proud to say I live on the island of Kirkelandet.


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